Sunday, 20 May 2012

Five Simple Ways to Streamline Your SEO

Since there is so much that goes into search engine optimization, it is very easy for a programmer to get carried away. Instead of loading your site down with endless links and other SEO features, you can instead streamline the entire process to make it easier on everyone involved.

Javascript is a complicated language for beginning designers. People usually have to struggle with learning it or they have to pay someone to do the programming. Well, a great way to use Java in a light manner is to avoid the drop down menus. Not only can these be complicated to program, but they also make the site slower to load. It's really a pointless feature with the way search engines rank sites today. You can skip the menus completely.

"PR" stands for PageRank, and it used to be one of the only things an SEO programmer would focus on. If you were a site owner about four years ago, your PageRank said a lot about where you ended up in the results. However, these days it's all about keyword-specific searching. Focusing too much on your PR will actually harm your odds of being ranked highly per the niche you're catering to.

Although there are legitimate arguments on both sides of the fence, the general consensus is that a URL file extension is a measure that really serves no purpose for your overall ranking. Although it's not a huge waste of time for someone who knows what they're doing, it's simply a pointless step to create a file extension. You can skip it in order to streamline your SEO and to keep things a lot cleaner.

Sitemaps are certainly a good way to boost your SEO, but you shouldn't put your eggs solely in the basket of an XML map. An XML sitemap is what the search engines are reading in order to understand and index your pages. However, this doesn't mean that your sitemap is going to make that big of a difference about where you rank. So remember not to count solely on this feature to boost your site.

There are four different types of paid links, but it's really fruitless to explain them all here. Why? Because you won't be needing them. If you want to streamline your SEO and cut back on the waste and on the things that don't matter that much to your ranking, paid links are certainly something you can avoid. Not having paid links will have no bearing whatsoever on your overall ranking as long as you're doing everything else correctly. Besides, paid links stopped increasing rankings in SERPs five years ago.

There are hundreds of different tips and tricks you can use to increase your search engine rankings, but the tips listed above illustrate how you can trim some items off of your to-do list. Learning and implementing these tips can save you time and money while still increasing your rank. Follow the tips above if you want to streamline your search engine optimization.


  1. banyak pihak menawarkan SEO, baru kali ini saya menemukan artikel yang cocok dengan saya.
    kalau saya berpikiran bahwa semakin banyak teman kehidupan semakin baik.
    semakin banyak dan berkualitas dalam memberi komentar di blog/situs oarang maka semaik baik PR kita

  2. walaupun masih awam tentang masalah SEO, tpi dengan adanya Artikel Sobat, bertambah pengetahuan aku tentang SEO, terima kasih Kawan :)

  3. Blogwalking gan............. mantaff untuk tehnik SEO nya..
